Terms &Conditions
These Terms and Conditions, along with privacy policy or other terms (“Terms”) constitute a binding agreementbyandbetweenM/SBUSINESSNETWORKGROUP,(“WebsiteOwner”or“we”or“us”or “our”) and you (“you” or “your”) and relate to your use of our website, goods (as applicable) or services (as applicable) (collectively, “Services”).
ByusingourwebsiteandavailingtheServices,youagreethatyouhavereadandacceptedtheseTerms (including the Privacy Policy). We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time and without assigning any reason. It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms to stay informed of updates.
The use of this website or availing of our Services is subject to the following terms of use:
ToaccessandusetheServices,youagreetoprovidetrue,accurateandcompleteinformationtous during and after registration, and you shall be responsible for all acts done through the use of your registered account.
Neitherwenoranythirdpartiesprovideanywarrantyorguaranteeastotheaccuracy,timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials offered on this website or through the Services, for any specific purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.
YouruseofourServicesandthewebsiteissolelyatyourownriskanddiscretion..Youare required to independently assess and ensure that the Services meet your requirements.
ThecontentsoftheWebsiteandtheServicesareproprietarytoUsandyouwillnothaveany authority to claim any intellectual property rights, title, or interest in its contents.
YouacknowledgethatunauthorizeduseoftheWebsiteortheServicesmayleadtoactionagainst you as per these Terms or applicable laws.
You agree to pay us the charges associated with availing the Services.
Youagreenottousethewebsiteand/orServicesforanypurposethatisunlawful,illegalor forbidden by these Terms, or Indian or local laws that might apply to you.
You agree and acknowledge that website and the Services may contain links to other third party websites.Onaccessingtheselinks,youwillbegovernedbythetermsofuse,privacypolicyand such other policies of such third party websites.
YouunderstandthatuponinitiatingatransactionforavailingtheServicesyouareenteringintoa legally binding and enforceable contract with the us for the Services.
You shall be entitled to claim a refund of the payment made by you in case we are not able to provide the Service. The timelines for such return and refund will be according to the specific Serviceyouhaveavailedorwithinthetimeperiodprovidedinourpolicies(asapplicable).Incase you do not raise a refund claim within the stipulated time, than this would make you ineligible for a refund.
NotwithstandinganythingcontainedintheseTerms,thepartiesshallnotbeliableforanyfailureto performanobligationundertheseTermsifperformanceispreventedordelayedbyaforcemajeure event.
TheseTermsandanydisputeorclaimrelatingtoit,oritsenforceability,shallbegovernedbyand construed in accordance with the laws of India.
AlldisputesarisingoutoforinconnectionwiththeseTermsshallbesubjecttotheexclusive jurisdiction of the courts in PATIALA, Punjab
AllconcernsorcommunicationsrelatingtotheseTermsmustbecommunicatedtoususingthe contact information provided on this website.